- Электронный пункт продажи
Система учета продаж с использованием сложных кассовых аппаратов. Система позволяет подсчитывать общую сумму покупок, выдавать чек с описанием каждого отдельного товара и одновременно корректировать списки наличных товаров, что необходимо компании для своевременного планирования новых поставок. Система широко используется крупными предприятиями розничной торговли.
Новый англо-русский словарь-справочник. Экономика. — М.: Флинта, Наукa.
О.В. Сиполс.
Смотреть что такое "EPOS (ELECTRONIC POINT OF SALE)" в других словарях:
electronic point of sale — ➔ point of sale * * * electronic point of sale UK US noun [U] (ABBREVIATION EPOS) ► COMMERCE, IT a computer system that records a store s sales and which products it has in stock, and provides customers with their payment information: »Electronic … Financial and business terms
Electronic Point of Sale — Point of sale in einer Wal Mart Filiale Der Begriff Verkaufsort (englisch: Point of Purchase (PoP) oder Point of Sale (PoS)) bezeichnet im Marketing aus Sicht des Konsumenten die Einkaufsstelle, zumeist ein Kassenarbeitsplatz, und aus Sicht des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
electronic point of sale — noun (at shop checkouts) a computerized till system in which a cash till with a barcode reader is directly linked to a stock control system (abbrev EPOS) • • • Main Entry: ↑electronic … Useful english dictionary
electronic point of sale — EPOS A computerized method of recording sales in retail outlets, using a laser scanner at the checkout till to read bar codes printed on the items packages. Other advantages over conventional checkout points include a more efficient use of… … Big dictionary of business and management
electronic point of sale — /ˌelɪktrɒnɪk pɔɪnt əv seɪl/ noun a system where sales are charged automatically to a customer’s credit card and stock is controlled by the shop’s computer. Abbr EPOS … Marketing dictionary in english
point-of-sale — ˌpoint of ˈsale written abbreviation POS noun points of sale PLURALFORM [countable usually singular] MARKETING COMMERCE the pl … Financial and business terms
EPOS — COMMERCE abbreviation for electronic point of sale * * * EPOS UK US /ˈiːpɒz/ noun [U] E COMMERCE ► ABBREVIATION for ELECTRONIC POINT OF SALE(Cf. ↑electronic point of sa … Financial and business terms
Point of Purchase — Point of sale in einer Wal Mart Filiale Der Begriff Verkaufsort (englisch: Point of Purchase (PoP) oder Point of Sale (PoS)) bezeichnet im Marketing aus Sicht des Konsumenten die Einkaufsstelle, zumeist ein Kassenarbeitsplatz, und aus Sicht des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Epos — may refer to: * Electronic Point of sale device which enables an efficient recording of the sale of goods or services to the customer. * Epos (poetry) please see epic poetry * Epos Ltd. British loudspeaker manufacturer. * Epos library ship * Epos … Wikipedia
EPOS — Electronic Point of Sale (Governmental » Military) Electronic Point of Sale (Business » General) * Atpos.Com, Inc. (Business » NASDAQ Symbols) * Earthquake Phenomena Observation System (Academic & Science » Ocean Science) * Ericssons Primitive… … Abbreviations dictionary
EPOS — can stand for: * Electronic point of sale (Found in modern day stores) * Embedded PowerPC Operating System, from IBM * EPOS (computer) a series of Czechoslovak computersEPOS is used in stores to count stock levels as customers buy items.x … Wikipedia